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기타 D-41

Seoul Global Center OASIS-7(Incubation Office) Tenant Recruitment


공고 정보

※ 본 지원사업에 대한 문의˙신청 등의 모든 절차는 수행기관에서 전담하고 있음을 안내드립니다.
공고정보 : 주관기관,신청기간,사업개요,지원규모,지원대상,지원내용,선정 및 평가,신청방법,문의처로 구성된 표입니다.
주관기관 Seoul Global Center
사업개요 Seoul Global Center operates OASIS-7(Incubation office) to provide entrepreneurial space to foreign (prospective) entrepreneurs through linkage with the Ministry of Justice program(OASIS), aiming to create a stable startup environment and promote activities related to foreigners by relevant agencies.
지원내용 - Foreign (prospective) Entrepreneurs planning to start-up in Korea. - Excellent graduates of the Intellectual property start-up promotion program. - Winners of the Invention start-up competition, etc.
지원대상 대학생,일반인,일반기업
신청기간 2024-03-19 ~ 2024-10-31
문의처 0220754153
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